Brock walks for a good
ten minutes before he finds himself faced with a glass wall. Beyond
the glass is not more cave, but corridor instead, with white painted
walls and linoleum floor. To his left, mounted at waist height on
the wall, is a simple key pad. Brock sniffs at the glass, taps it,
pushes it, sniffs again then examines closely its edges that
disappear into the wall. Sighing, he holds his block in front of the
key pad for a moment, then types in the eight digit number it reveals
to him. With a gentle whooshing sound the glass disappears into the
wall. He sniffs again, noting the air beyond smells cleaner, before
stepping forward. Several paces on and the glass wall slides back
into place behind him.
Twixt the Warp and the Weft by Gavin White is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License