Thursday 18 October 2012

Episode 5 - Chapter 44

“That particular tribe owes a debt to the Forest,” Raven mumbles.

“Speak up now,” chirps the Author. “What kind of a debt?”

“There was an imbalance, an agent was sent. When they found out they were in the Warp they were horrified, said they were nowhere near completing their task. The agent saw no harm in allowing them to return, provided certain articles were agreed.”

“What articles?”

“That they might be called upon to provide useful information when the Forest had need.”

“I see. So in return for the services of one tribe, you allow the rest to exist?”

“Even the Forest can see the value of an ally in the Weave.”

Creative Commons Licence
Twixt the Warp and the Weft by Gavin White is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.