Robert takes a few
steps forward and opens his eyes. He's not sure what he's expecting
to see, but he's slapped with disappointment when he finds he's still
in the meadow.
“No, no, no,” Tom
shimmers before him, “You really have to surrender yourself to your
feelings. Try again.”
Once more Robert closes
his eyes, remembering their honeymoon.
“Concentrate on one
moment,” Tom says, “On how you felt in that moment.”
They were in a bar,
Robert remembers, just at the end of the first week. By that time
they'd been living together for a couple of years, but they'd never
had the chance or money to go on holiday together. Now here they
were, at the end of the perfect week, with another perfect week to
come. They both tripped over each others words in their rush to
express that, which made them laugh.
“Get that waiter to
take a photograph,” she'd said, “I want to remember this moment
In the meadow, Robert
takes a step forward.