Thursday 30 May 2013

Episode 7 - Chapter 32

“Just inspecting,” Raven replies with the first thing he can think of.

“Health and safety, all that,” the Guide chimes in, “You can never be too careful.”

“Elf and Safe Tea?” the troll asks. “Ew as dangeroush tea? And there 'asn't been an elf sheen round these parts for quite shum time.”

“That's right,” they hear Stonedildo confirm. “If there 'ad, they'd be in my pot chop chop.”

“Mmmm, elf....” Rocknipples salivates, “Avn't ad a bit of elf in ages. Wot ur ew inspectin' for?”

“Just routine,” Raven tells him, “All part of the process.”

“Wot processh?”

“For your repatriation,” Raven taps a wall. “Ah yes, all seems to be in order.”

“Repatriwhat?” the troll inquires.

“Repatriation,” Raven confirms, “Getting you two back to your lovely bridge.”

Creative Commons Licence
Twixt the Warp and the Weft by Gavin White is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.