“Put me down,”
Raven commands again.
“At Rocknipples69,”
Stonedildo asks, “Why wud you follow id?”
“At Stonedildo,”
the first troll replies, “So ah cud see ids comments in me feed.”
“I will not, under
any circumstances, be in anybody's feed.” Raven writhes in the
troll's grip, realising it's not as tight as he thought.
“Ah think we're
supposed to call it the stream now,” Rocknipples continues, “Dunno
why. Id's all very confusing.”
“At Rocknipples69,”
Stonedildo responds, “So yer feed is in da stream now?”
Rocknipples says, scratching his head. “Fings change so fast these
days. Ah wish we cud just go back to our bridge.”
“At Rocknipples69,”
Stonedildo says, “Ah miss our bridge.”
A light goes on in
Raven's head. “What if,” he says, “I could help you get back
to that bridge.”