Sunday 6 October 2013

Episode 8 - Chapter 45

 “A tunnel?” Strauss asks, “Where?”

“Right there,” Raven leans into the incredible force that's pushing him into his seat, to point at a speck in the distance. “Fiona,” he barks, “Which way is the arrow pointing?”

“Still at twelve,” she replies, “And its just started flashing.”

“That's it,” Raven shouts triumphantly, “That's our way out.”

“The pen is still right behind us,” Robert calls out behind him, “Let's not slow down yet.”

“You're sure?” Strauss asks Raven, squinting to make out any detail.

“Getting closer,” Robert shouts as the pen starts to close the gap once more.

“I'm sure,” Raven says, “Now hit the gas and get us out of here.”

“You may wish to reconsider,” Strauss tells him, “Because we're pretty sure that tunnel has teeth.”

Creative Commons Licence
Twixt the Warp and the Weft by Gavin White is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.