Monday 17 February 2014

Episode 9 - Chapter 43

“None of your clever answers,” Mary said, waving her blade at Oak's face, “A simple yes or no will do.” She nodded towards the stairs. “Is that the Forest?”

By this point, I have to say, I'd started to feel rather uncomfortable. Mary's behaviour had gone far beyond being merely irrational, it was all I could do to stop myself thinking that she was somehow possessed. I shuffled from one foot to the other, trying to decide what to do next.

“Is that the Forest?” she demanded once more, almost screaming in Oak's face, her knife still dangerously close to his face. His eyes had become filled with fear as he struggled to reply

“Mary!” I barked as commandingly as I could, desperate to get her attention.

She looked at me then, and I was shocked to realise I didn't recognise her at all. Nevertheless, I pointed to her hand, still clasped over Oak's mouth.

“At least give the chap a chance to respond,” I said.

Creative Commons Licence
Twixt the Warp and the Weft by Gavin White is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.