Saturday 14 June 2014

Episode 10 - Chapter 34

 Raven ignored mum's question, shrugging his shoulders as he addressed his funny bird noises toward the well on the table. He listened, head cocked and eyes staring, the KOWW KOWWed once more. Oak slammed his fist on the table, rustling what seemed to be an objection, which prompted Raven to throw his hands in the air with a final, dismissive KOWW.

Mum obviously wasn't happy at getting no answer, her distaste written all over her face. “Humf,” she sighed, as she folded her arms in front of her. It's a look I knew all too well from childhood, a look that said her patience had expired and “You'd better go to your room right now, young man!”

It was clear dad had seen it too, he was slowly shuffling backwards away from her. I caught his eye then, to which he quickly raised his eyebrows, followed by a wink.

“A-HEM!” she cleared her throat noisily, piercing gaze directed at Raven.

“So sorry, Mary,” he said quickly, before she could add anything else. “Sometimes they take a little while to wake up.” He turned back to the table before speaking loudly. “Maybe we could continue this in the common tongue?”

Creative Commons Licence
Twixt the Warp and the Weft by Gavin White is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.