Sunday 29 June 2014

Episode 10 - Chapter 49

 Do you know, I don't think I'd ever seen my daughter-in-law look so confident or sure of herself. In the middle of all these strange doings, surrounded by these unreal and very sinister characters, she was positively glowing. Don't get me wrong, I liked Mister Raven, and I was sure he was on our side, as much as he could be anyway, but having spent a few hours in his company it was obvious that he wasn't one of us. As for Oak and this Strauss, well, I couldn't help but wish they'd all bugger off and leave us alone.

“It's true,” Fiona said, talking to the whole room as if it was full of people, “That the Weave affects the Warp, that's no surprise to anyone. It is, after all, why the Forest exists, is it not?”

She paused, distracted for a moment. “Just shut up and let me get on with it will you?” she said quietly, to no one in particular, “You're really not helping right now.”

“What Strauss has told you is true,” she continued, louder once more, “A great deal of the damage that man has done to the environment can be blamed on the Weave. What Strauss doesn't say, is how much of that damage can be traced back to his master. The Peacock Angel knows this, and believes now is the time to change it.”

Creative Commons Licence
Twixt the Warp and the Weft by Gavin White is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.