Friday 14 September 2012

Episode 5 - Chapter 10

My wife and I looked at each other as the rumbling got louder. We both recognised it instantly, though we hadn't heard it for years.

“How the blazes...” I began, starting to rise from my chair.

“You know what that sound is?” Oak asked.

“Oh yes,” I replied, “I bloody well know what that sounds like. That's the noise our old chest freezer used to make, the one we had when we first moved here. It was on its last legs even then. What I want to know is how it's making a sound at all.”

“And why is that?”

“Bloody thing hasn't worked for years. It's not even plugged in any more, we use it for storage these days.”

Creative Commons Licence
Twixt the Warp and the Weft by Gavin White is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.