Despite the irritating distraction, Fiona tries to force her eyes to
stay wide open as she reaches forward. Her best effort comes to
nothing, however, as instinct takes over, forcing her to blink,
feeling her own out-size lashes brushing against her fingertips. Her
hand recoils quickly, nestling into her chest as a tingle of shock
passes through her.
She shakes herself to recover, using her own spasmodic movement to
release the tension in her body. The eyelid before her flashes up
and down as she blinks uncontrollably, feeling water begin to gather
in the corners. Resisting the temptation to wipe the liquid away
with the back of her hand, she manoeuvres herself to face her pupil
straight on.
“Just dive in,” she whispers to herself, “You can't decapitate
yourself, that wouldn't make any sense.” With that thought fresh
in her mind, she tenses her limbs for a second then forces herself to
leap forward.