She was speaking for quite a long time, in the end. To be honest,
once she'd got past the initial idea of Forest and Weave cooperating
she started to lose me. There was a lot of talk about “real world
interfaces” and “orientation” and whatnot. After a while I
just stopped paying attention. She obviously knows what she's
talking about, I thought, let her get on with it.
Funnily enough, I assumed which I mean our home really, were
out of danger. Fiona was going to save us, or so I believed, and
that was that. I didn't give it another thought. Foolish really,
when I think about it.
Instead, I became fascinated by the face of the Nomad. It was just
there, one wall of our living room taken over by a giant
silver face. It didn't speak, or interact with anybody else in the
room at all. You'd have taken it for a sculpture of some kind,
albeit a particularly odd one, if it hadn't blinked every few
minutes. I really wanted to go and touch it, provoke some kind of
response, but I resisted the temptation. In fact I just stood there,
minding my P's and Q's, waiting to see what happened next.